Music Matters in Your Yoga and Wellness Practice.

Are you a yoga instructor or wellness professional using music in the USA? It's time to tune into the essentials of public performance rights. With licensing season upon us, being approached by organizations like ASCAP or BMI is a real possibility, and the costs can be significant.

This FREE webinar, led by YogiTunes CEO Alex King-Harris, will shed light on the legal side of using music in public spaces in the USA. Whether you're a yoga teacher, massage therapist, or run a fitness centre, if your classes or services feature music, staying informed is key.

Watch the Informative Webinar:

Learn About:

  • Legal requirements for using music in public spaces

  • Understanding risks and managing them effectively

  • Navigating the choices available, with or without YogiTunes

  • Curating the perfect playlist for your practice